This website provides solicitors with access to residential mortgage and related security documentation. Select a province or territory below to print the documents for your transaction.
If you have arrived here and are not a solicitor, please refer to our corporate website at
Important information: As legal documents and mortgage forms may change from time to time, you are reminded that we require you to access this website to obtain the most recent copies for use in all transactions. Please immediately discontinue the use of any previous copies of these documents that you may have printed or saved.
As part of our ongoing mission to provide clients with prompt, efficient service at competitive rates, Bridgewater Bank has implemented a significantly enhanced mortgage instruction and funding process.
While the mortgage commitment letter and the statement of disclosure will continue to be emailed or faxed, the standard instructions and remaining forms are now available online allowing solicitors to conveniently download them as required.
Our new Request for Funds allows for funding with gap insurance (Title Insurance). We also require all of the solicitor’s undertaking documentation up front.
To ensure timely funding of your file, please return all documentation to us at least three business days prior to scheduled closing.
For specific questions, please contact the funder assigned to your file. To request a payout statement, please email
For all other inquiries, email Please note that we accept digital copies of all documents.
If your file has not yet been instructed, or for general inquiries, please contact Manager, Deposit Services, at 1.403.817.7034 or email
We accept digital copies of all documents. Send all email inquiries to